why I’m marching on the pentagon

• "Common Ground has served more than half a million people without getting any government support. At the same time, billions of dollars have been spent on a needless war in Iraq, that has drained our country's resources that could be meeting people's needs. We'll be paying for this war for the next 50 years. That's why I'll be marching on the Pentagon on March 17." - Malik Rahim, Founder, Common Ground Collective, New Orleans |
• "I will be marching on the Pentagon on March 17, 2007 with thousands of other Americans. On this the 4th anniversary of the Shock and Awe invasion of Iraq and forty years after the historic 1967 March on the Pentagon, We the People, will be insisting on the immediate end to the war against Iraq. Bring your friends, neighbors and loved ones and join us in the March on the Pentagon." - Ramsey Clark, Fmr. U.S. Attorney General | |
• "The Pentagon is the embodiment of the U.S. war machine. We are marching because this machine is killing hundreds of thousands of people and spending limitless resources in a quest for Empire. The Iraq war is one of the great crimes of the modern era. We must act now to end it. If we unite, the power is in the people." - Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, Partnership for Civil Justice, co-founder | |
• "I feel that by resisting I made up for ... the sins I committed in this war." • "I believe that by supporting the soldiers that resist fighting in this war, we can end this war." | |
• "I thought that the worst had happened when my step son was killed in Iraq, and my husband set himself on fire in his grief. Yet every single death in Iraq, and every single parent's tears are still like pins in my heart. Why in the name of money? For those who have money and want more? The values I learned as a patriot of the United States no longer exist. I can't get my step son back, but I can get my country back. Join Carlos and me on March 17th at the Pentagon." | |
• "I will be marching on the Pentagon on March 17, 2007 for all of the innocent victims yet to die in this war. I will be marching for all of the fathers of those victims and their mothers and loved ones who will grieve them. I will be marching to end the racist, classist war before it takes the life of your loved one." - Michael Berg, Father of Nicholas Berg, killed in Iraq | |
• "This National Security State is driving the U.S. to a permanently dangerous, aggressive, open-ended "Long War." It is turning the Arab and Islamic World into a killing field in the service of an illusionary goal of building a dominating Empire. At the expense of American blood and treasury, the war profiteers are cashing in on the Bush policies of military intervention abroad and surveillance at home." - Mounzer Sleiman, Vice Chair, National Council of Arab Americans | |
• "I'll be marching March 17th, with my wife, with friends, to express our solidarity with all those people, all over the country, who demand that the United States bring our troops back from Iraq. We need to make clear to the Democrats in Congress that we expect bold action from them to stop the war, to save the lives of Americans and Iraqis, and use the enormous sums wasted on war to serve the needs of the people." - Howard Zinn, historAuthor andian | |
• "It's not about U.S. troop reduction. We want an end to U.S. occupation of Iraq. The White House nor Congress will end the war. They didn't end the war in Vietnam. The American people did, and it is we the people who must end this war. The coward will ask is it safe?...Vanity is it politically expedient or popular? But conscience will always ask, is it right? STOP THE WAR." | |
• "Young people, and especially young women, have always played a major role in the struggle for social justice and in opposition to war. It is our duty to help make this new anti-war movement a powerful and effective force. That's why we are mobilizing young people from Washington Heights in New York City to march on the Pentagon on March 17th." | |
• "Students are organizing from the East Coast, Midwest and South to come to the Pentagon on March 17. From high schools and college campuses, the message is going out. We must act. The war and occupation of Iraq costs $279 million each day. We are marching to demand funds for jobs and education, not for a rich man's war. We need a war against racism right here at home." |
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